The Largest Lithium Anomaly in Canada NWT

New exploration technology has discovered North America’s largest lithium anomaly. Lake Winn’s Pegmatite Portfolio sprawls >7 km long and 80-140 m wide. These stats are in line with the top lithium mines in the world. 

Invest in First World Fair Trade Lithium Exploration to help supply North America’s Government Mandated EV Revolution. TSXV: LWR

Lithium Production in North America

The only lithium producer in Canada is the Tanco mine privately owned and operating in Manitoba Canada. The Tanco lithium mine is 100% owned by Sinomine, a Chinese Company. All lithium production from Tanco is shipped directly to China.

Lake Winn’s potential is described as comparable to the #1 lithium mine in the world, Greenbushes. Greenbushes is 51% owned by Tianqi and Abermarle 49%. Lake Winn owns 100% of the LNPG Property.

Lake Winn Is Publicly Listed In Canada

You can purchase shares of publicly listed companies in Canada from your discount or full service broker. Investment Brokers List. Promote Questrade affiliate program.

Why Invest in Us


Superior Management

Our VP of Exploration Mr. Buddy Doyle has discovered over $50 Billion worth of minerals internationally.


Experience Putting Multiple Large Scale Mines into Production

Our management has previous successes from exploration, funding, hiring people, to production. We’ve done it all.


Cutting Edge Lithium Exploration Technology

New lithium exploration technology is used to outline lithium anomalies for drilling.

North American Sovereignty

Canada’s dwindling northern population is raising concerns about North America’s Sovereignty. The most recent threat was multiple spy balloons from China desending onto Alaska, drifting into the NWT, and across Canada into the US 2023.

Mining & Government funding is currently the only sustainable solution to maintain a presence in the North. We can make a difference by supportting and investing in mining.

NWT Government Grant for Exploration Receiving $192k of its $1m Budget

What We Do

We raise venture capital privately from investors and use it to explore and drill mining properties with the intention of putting them into production or selling.

We Stake Mining Properties

We stake ground with potential for rare and desired minerals.

Prepare & Execute Work Programs

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Drill for Rare & Valuable Minerals

Recycle until we have enough to do a resource estimate.

We Take Private & Shell Co. Public

Lake Winn is in the process of spinning out it’s gold properties.

Interpret Geophysics

Our Professional Exploration team uses geophysics to explore for minerals.

Develop a Resource

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Raise Capital to Develop Assets

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Drill For Minerals

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Finance To Go Into Production

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Seek Out The Best Service Providers

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Assay & Interpret Results

Geochemical Analysis Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

Buy Out or Production

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We’re Fighting Wild Fires in NWT Canada

Our new Board Member for the gold spin out Kenny Ruptash owns and operates Nahanni Construction who is currently decommissioning the Diavik Diamond Mine and is making significant contributions to save Yellowknife.

Gold Property Spin Out “Gold Winn”

Lake Winn was formally a gold exploration company starting in 2020 with two gold properties located near Flin Flon Manitoba. Lake Winn’s in the process of spinning out it’s gold properties into a new company to unlock value for it’s shareholders. Drilling and assays was recently done & received in 2021.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is lithium so valuable?

Both the Canadian & US Government mandated lithium to meet energy standards. We like Elon, here’s a link to his Twitter.

Why Are You Undervalued?

Everyone has to start somewhere. One of the leading Canadian lithium exploration companies, “PMET” opened their first financing to the public at $0.16 CAD per unit back in 2021. 

When are you going into production?

After we develop a resource through drilling. We’re not a production company yet, we’re an exploration company proving a mineral resource. We will also be assaying for other minerals such as Lithium, Tantalum, Cesium, & Tin.

What are your by-products worth?

LWR was originally drilled for Tantalum in 2007 before lithium was mandated by American governments. There are pockets of Lithium & there are pockets of Tantalum, they are mined separately depending what the mill is processing. Other by-products include Cesium, & Tin. Check out Trading Economics for Commodity Quotes.

Why Lithium and not Cobalt?

Cobalt grades over 1% are commonly loaded with arsenic & is extremely costly to separate & dispose of. Known viable Cobalt deposits in the world are located in challenging jurisdictions such as the Congo.

what's the difference between hard rock and brine lithium?

There are two main types of lithium deposits – hard rock and brine. Hard rock lithium is found in rock formations, while brine lithium is found in saltwater deposits. The main difference between the two is the extraction process. Hard rock lithium is typically mined using open-pit or underground mining methods, while brine lithium is extracted through a process called “brine evaporation”. This process involves pumping saltwater from underground aquifers and allowing the water to evaporate in large ponds, leaving behind a concentrated lithium solution.

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