
Corporate Information

Stock Symbols


Date of Formation

September 21, 2010

Shares Outstanding

Shares     73,101,639 Options     6,045,000
Warrants 3,680,000

Reporting  Jurisdictions

British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec

Transfer Agent



Mao & Young LLP


Corporate Office

1100–1111 Melville St.
Vancouver, B.C.
V6E 3V6

Telephone & Email


Annual General Meeting

Board of Directors

Patrick Power

Patrick Power benefits from over 30 years of experience as a capital markets financier and director of public companies. During this time, he has raised well in excess of $250 million dollars in the natural resources exploration and development sector.

Since the 1990s, he has also been extensively involved in diamond exploration in the Northwest Territories (NWT), where he continues the quest to unearth Canada’s next high-grade diamond mine.

Buddy Doyle

Buddy Doyle has 40 years of experience in mineral exploration. Mr. Doyle worked for Rio Tinto PLC for over 23 years, he was the Exploration Manager & Vice President of Kennecott Canada Exploration Inc. (owned by Rio Tinto), in charge of diamond exploration in North America. He was a key member of the Kennecott Exploration Australia team that discovered the multi-million-ounce Minifie gold deposits at Lihir in 1987-1988 and led the team which discovered the Diavik diamond deposits in 1994-1995. Few geologists have seen 2 projects from discovery through to the decision to mine.

Mr. Doyle is recognized by his peers in the exploration industry as an authority on diamond exploration and kimberlite geology and has authored & co-authored numerous papers on these subjects. He was awarded the 2007 Hugo Dummitt Award for excellence in Diamond exploration. Since leaving Rio Tinto Mr. Doyle remains active in the diamond sector through consultancy and non-executive directorships. 

He was the founder and CEO of Amarillo Gold Corp, which focused on gold in Brazil. Its Mara Rosa project was sold to Hochschild for $180M in 2022. Founder of Western Potash which was vested to a Chinese group for $80 million. Founder and director of Stratus Aeronautics a UAV drone company that has been operating for 20 years. Mr. Doyle brings to the company a disciplined scientific approach to mineral exploration and managerial skills that have a proven track record. He holds a B.Sc in Applied Geology from the Queensland University of Technology.

Binny Jassal

Binny Jassal has 25 years of experience as a Certified Public Accountant, Canada (CGA), a Fellow Member of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA), London England, and a Graduate in Accounting and Finance from Ryerson University Toronto. Mr. Jassal joined the Company in May 2006 and has been an important member of the team working on the financial reporting and corporate side of the operations.  Mr. Jassal is also adept at corporate governance and dealing with regulatory requirements for multiple publicly traded companies.

Saf Dhillon

Saf Dhillon has been involved in the development of companies primarily listed on the TSX Venture Exchange and CSE for approximately 20 years. He has held a variety of positions including investor relations, business development, senior management as well as board directorships.

Mr. Dhillon is part of the original team that orchestrated the growth of the Idaho based company, U.S. Geothermal Inc. During his 12-year tenure the company grew from being an approximate $2M USD startup to becoming a successful and profitable Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer, operating 3 new power plants in the Pacific Northwest. The company also successfully transitioned onto both the TSX as well as the NYSE: MKT.

Mr. Dhillon is also a Founding Director of Torrent Gold Inc. (CSE: TGLD) which had its successful IPO in 2020; is President & CEO of iMetal Resources Inc. (TSXV: IMR); is a Board Member of Lake Winn Resources Corp. (TSXV: LWR), as well as providing his skills and knowledge to several other private and public companies.  Mr. Dhillon’s involvement in the development of various companies over the years has enabled him to build an extensive worldwide list of contacts.